Sunday, December 19th, 2021
Captain’s Log
The holiday spirit has definitely made its presence known aboard the ship. Actually, the truth is I finally had a couple of days at home and was able to get a few things knocked off my list. Nothing like a little forced family fun time to conjure that festive vibe.
I managed to bake 5 different types of holiday cookies, wrap most of the gifts (which I loath, I am the worst at wrapping), marathoned a few cheesy Christmas movies and squeaked in a quality nap. Nothing like a little anxiety to fuel some manic holiday magic.
Number 2 took the crew out to buy Christmas gifts so I managed to have the entire afternoon to myself. I made sure to maximize my time alone. I cranked the music, and I swabbed the decks while singing my heart out to holiday classics. To any neighbours walking by, you’re welcome for that holiday spectacular, I’ll be here all week.
Lately, I have been feeling very overwhelmed and somehow managing to have an entire weekend at home to tackle everything I have been procrastinating felt like a Christmas miracle.
The Duchess had two games this weekend and I somehow managed to not have to drive to either of them. While I absolutely was grateful for the time at home, I find it so hard to reconcile the Mom guilt with the relief in not having to drive a stinky car full of teenage girls to hockey. It’s a wonder how you can feel absolute relief while simultaneously feeling like a shit mom for not watching her play. To make me feel even worse she scored her first goal.
I have made a late addition to my Christmas wish list, abolish Mom’s Guilt.
Relic had his pirate friend pick him up this evening and fortunately for us, he was running late getting home, so the poor Cabin Boy had to politely hang out with us and talk while he waited. It was glorious. There is nothing teenagers hate more than being questioned by parents, and this is not limited to just their own parents, any parent will do.
I am happy to report the Cabin Boy was as always an absolute gentleman and laughed at all Number 2’s bad dad jokes and answered all my questions regarding the house party a few weekends back. It appears the press release from the house party Duchess sent out was excellent and any attendee that was reported there is telling the same story. She deserves the bonus T.P rations this week, for creating an excellent cover story. I have suggested she watch all seasons of Scandal as she could have a promising career in politics or public relations.
