Captain’s Log
Tuesday, November 22nd, 2022
How did we go from 20 degrees a week ago to snowmageddon? Extra rations were awarded to Number 2 for not putting off snow tires last week, they indeed came in handy over the weekend.
I’m thrilled to report he has been named crewman of the week for all the hard work and effort he put into date night. He organized a night's stay at the Season’s At Blue hotel for us, along with dinner at Copper Blues and then begrudgingly took a cheesy photo in front of the Coke-Cola Christmas truck. Ski season is fast approaching so we enjoyed some time together because all too soon Bue Mountain Resort will become his number-one wife until spring.

The Duchess got a job for the winter working at the Burton store in the Village at Blue, unfortunately for me, this means I'll be driving her back and forth a lot. I’m so proud she’s got a job but I’m so disappointed that I’ll have to leave the house after dark to pick her up. I am looking forward to her getting her G1 license in the spring.
Speaking of the Duchess she has been on fire this week, The girl is overly confident in her opinion of literally every topic. If I didn’t know better I’d swear she was aiming to be Wikipedia when she grows up. I’ve been doing my best to stay calm during our family debates, reminding Number 2 to keep his cool when she’s pushing our buttons
Quote of the week is from the Duchess-“I absolutely hate how confidently incorrect you are”
She almost walked the plank for that one. I love how passionate she is regarding politics and social justice, however, I do look forward to the day when either she can broaden her views to see multiple sides of an argument or Number 2 can learn what battles are worth fighting. Until then I’ll be in the corner drinking a solid 9oz of wine.
Breathing a huge sigh of relief today as the CUPE union would not be striking. The thought of having to assist in online learning again was enough to make me want to jump ship. After two years of online learning, all I could think was, have we already forgotten how traumatic teaching our kids was? Pay them whatever they want!!!!
To close on a high note I’m excited to report that at the beginning of December, the ship Shitshow will be getting a new crew member. We will be hosting a Rotary exchange student from Finland for three months. Everyone is so excited, no one more so than me as I've really been feeling like the house has been far too quiet with Relic away at university.
A Captain's Blog is a real-life millennial mom's account of parenting teenagers and navigating a busy family life with honesty and humour. I'm a digital creator who loves to inspire, empower and connect by sharing my personal experience. I am a serial entrepreneur and social media marketing maven who would love to have you along for the ride.