Captain’s Log
The day didn't start great, moral aboard the ship was low. The entire crew is definitely feeling the effects of this second lockdown. I’m finding it increasingly hard to keep spirits up.
As hard as it is some days the show must go on and so I handed out daily tasks with as much enthusiasm as possible. I find routine one of the best ways to manage this crew.
The Dutchess was tasked with using her new found CSI skills and finding my lost mitten in the car today. She borrowed it awhile back and only one seems to have made it home.
It would seem the hours she’s invested in Criminal Minds have yet to be pay off, as the mitten case remains open . However, she did not come back empty handed.
A Terry’s milk chocolate orange was hiding beneath the drivers seat, a casualty of the holiday season, thought to be long gone. This really boosted moral as all holiday treats have been long since consumed.
I’ve suggested perhaps she consider anthropology as a new major and start binge watching Bones instead. Obviously though she will not consider this suggestion, solely because she’s 13 and I am her mother.
As disappointing as it is to know I may never see my mitt again the chocolate definitely help soften the blow.
She earned today’s bonus TP rations for that haul.
It must also be noted that Laundry has gone down my 80% in the last couple weeks, however dishes have gone up 3000%, particularly glassware. Relic had 5 mugs in his room and the Dutchess is under the impression a new glass is needed for each trip through the mess hall.
This issues will definitely be addressed at tomorrow’s daily briefing.
Happy sailing everyone.
