Captain’s Log
Tuesday, December 12th, 2022
Welcome aboard! Our newest crew member arrived Saturday afternoon and so far it’s been smooth sailing. Katriina (Kake) is a Rotary exchange student here for a year, she will be living with us for the next three months. She is absolutely delightful and seems so keen on experiencing as much as she possibly can over the next few months. I am very optimistic that we are going to have a wonderful time despite my anxiety over having two teenage girls in the house. The Duchess had shocked us all by actively participating in family activities. I think she loves having another person living here to help take the focus off of her. Without Relic home full-time, all of our loving attention has been focused on her, something she despises.
Since we had nothing on the agenda for Sunday we all piled into the car and headed to Toronto to do some sightseeing. It was pretty awesome to witness Kake’s excitement at seeing the city skyline as we approached and then her face lit up at spotting the CN Tower. The whole trip was a little dream-like, it isn’t very often one takes a teenager out in public and they don’t immediately hate every suggestion you make. I’m sure she was just being polite, but whatever the reason I’m here for it.
We started our day by heading down to the Distillery District to explore the Christmas market and then made our way over to Queen Street to shop. The Duchess was keen on showing her all of her favourite places to spend my money before we moved on to the Eaton’s Center. Finland has a population of roughly 5.5 million people, and I think there were more people than that in the Eaton center alone. I fear the mall may have been a little overwhelming, I know it was for me.
Last night The Duchess and I discovered that Kake had never watched or heard of Grey’s Anatomy. We were both delighted at this news, Number 2 however was not as impressed, he loathes medical dramas. I reminded him that as long as they want to hang out with us who cares what we watch however, it appears it did matter, he went to bed. Our new mission is to watch as much of the series before she leaves.
I have really enjoyed watching the Duchess come out of her shell and make Kake feel comfortable and welcome. I was worried about her vampiric ways, and that they’d keep her held up in her cave however, she’s been very sociable. I do worry that an alliance may be forming, all three crew members seem to be enjoying making fun of me a bit too much.
Today is Independence day in Finland so we are making a traditional Finnish meal and hopefully then watching a movie. I was a little worried we wouldn't be able to find all the ingredients needed for the recipes but thankfully we ran into a friend who is Finnish at the store and she was able to help bridge the language barrier.
Hyvää Itsenäisyyspäivää'- Happy Independence day Finland.

A Captain's Blog is a real-life millennial mom's account of parenting teenagers and navigating a busy family life with honesty and humour. I'm a digital creator who loves to inspire, empower and connect by sharing my personal experience. I am a serial entrepreneur, and social media marketing maven who would love to have you along for the ride.