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Mom's Gratitude List| Top 5

Writer's picture: Tarren GilchristTarren Gilchrist

Captain’s Log

Monday, October 11th, 2021

It’s 6 AM, I've been up for an hour or so having slept like crap, the result of too much turkey and wine last night. I should be productive and fold the 4 loads of laundry that’s piled up in the corner but instead, I scrolled social media for an hour sucking back extra strong coffee. In an effort to absolve my guilt over time wasted staring at a screen I am calling that time spent market research.

Number 2 and I have planned a lovely family day for the crew, which involves a hike, prepping for the week and a low-key evening arguing over which family movie to watch. It’s not the first time I’ve reported on the joy we get from dragging our miserable offspring through nature and today will be no exception, especially based on the amount of sleep they’ve had and the sugar Nanny gave them this weekend. The forecast is calling for sunshine, warm weather and a strong chance of disgruntled feedback from the kids.

The crew enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving and I’m pleased to report that we all managed to survive our family meal without any casualties. This year my brother-in-law took on the major task of hosting the entire family and it was a huge success. Relic managed not to bait his grandfather in a conversation about the rising cost of coffee, or politics for which we are all grateful. The Duchess actually smiled on multiple occasions, affirming to her auntie the illusion of the sweetest young lady alive. Number 2 ensured that my wine glass was flowing, as we were celebrating the first major family holiday where the game of rock, paper, scissors was not needed to determine who would be driving home. Another glorious perk of having a fully licensed teenage driver, just affirming my theory that life with these pirates just keeps getting better and better.

As I reflect over the last 72 hours I find myself smiling at how truly lucky I am to have this crew of scallywag pirates and how thankful I am to be their Captain.

I am thankful for the Duchess and her ability to keep us all humble with one roll of her eye or backhanded compliments. She never shies away from the truth, even if at times it’s hard to hear.

I am thankful for Relic and his ability to continuously over share his teenage exploits and shenanigans, even after I remind him that some secrets are ok between parent and child, encouraged actually.

I am eternally thankful for Number 2 for picking up my slack while I hustle hard to build my empire. I’m the most scattered person in the world right now and he keeps me focused.

I am thankful for wine, for always being there when I need it. A shoulder to cry on or a best friend to help make any event or family get-together fun. Particularly holiday feasts.

I am thankful for elastic waistbands, for being so forgiving, especially after multiple lockdowns and breadmaking trends. This was a big weekend and they really showed up and worked hard.

I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend and took some time to themselves and with the ones they love the most.

The Captain x

(Future Pirate Queen)



Welcome to A Captain's Blog, a haven where real-life parenting adventures meet expert insights. As a millennial mom, I'm here to share the raw, unvarnished experiences of raising teenagers. It's not just about my journey; I'm bringing in voices of real-life experts to offer the most current and practical parenting advice.

This blog is a tapestry of stories, wisdom, and humor, woven from the daily realities of family life. Beyond being a digital storyteller, I'm a parent like you, navigating the highs and lows of teen parenting. With a background in entrepreneurship and social media marketing, I aim to create a relatable, informative space for all parents.

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