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Mom, the true spirit of Christmas

Writer's picture: Tarren GilchristTarren Gilchrist

Thursday, December 30th, 2021

Captain’s Log

It’s 5 days post-Christmas and I’m starting to come down from the festive high. Operation Ho Ho Ho was a stellar success and I’d like to congratulate myself for doing an absolutely spectacular job yet again this year. I’d like to quote the wise and humble Snoop Dogg as he sums up a mother’s hard work so well,

“Last but not least, I wanna thank me, I wanna thank me for believing in me, I wanna thank me for doing all this hard work, I wanna thank me for having no days off, I wanna thank me for... for never quitting, I wanna thank me for always being a giver and tryna give more than I receive…”

I’ve managed to sustain my superhuman energy levels leading up to the big event on coffee, sugar cookies and wine. Unfortunately, Christmas coincides with the start of the ski season and therefore Number 2 has been working 14 hour days so getting everyone together at the same time felt like mission impossible.

The Crew had to adjust its plan for celebrating the holidays again this year, a big thanks to Omicron for that one, so it was just a quiet family affair here. Although we all miss our family and friends desperately we managed to enjoy the holidays together. The crew laughed and were actually kind to each other, and I would even dare to say actually enjoyed each other’s company. There were no tears, very limited eye-rolling and middle fingers extended and they even managed a hug after exchanging gifts. A true Christmas miracle.

Jacked on the festive spirit, I was wide awake at 5:30 am on the big day, beyond excited for the kids to wake up, which is a bit mind-boggling to think about considering it was only a few years ago it was the other way around. So while I waited for everyone to stir I enjoyed a quiet cup or two of coffee and tried in vain to get some work done. It’s so bizarre to have older children at Christmas. Years ago we would have been up early and have opened gifts, then spend the rest of the day building lego, wrestling barbie out of her million tiny zip ties and praying the kids’ sugar crash will coincide with a power nap after lunch. These days once the gifts are opened and breakfast is consumed the crew gather their haul and descend back to their cabins where they remained for most of the day.

Each member of the crew was completely spoiled rotten and surprised with their gift, none more so than Number 2 who will be very surprised when he sees the visa bill. Every year I tell myself no more than the four-gift rule and every Christmas morning I continue to shock myself with my lack of self-control. I admit though, I regret nothing, I love indulging my crew once a year, they work so hard and rarely ask for much.

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and a very happy new year.





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