Captain’s Log
I’m happy to report that the crew enjoyed a successful long weekend and are all feeling rested, recharged and ready to take on a new week and our 3rd province-wide lockdown. We remain ever hopeful that the schools will stay open for in-class learning, despite the rumour of 2 classes currently self-isolating. We have reminded the crew to keep up the good work, we are all pandemic exhausted but this is the home stretch. As a way to stay positive, we chose to focus our attention on the people and the moments that truly matter this weekend and not on the things that are out of our control.
We celebrated The Stowaway’s birthday this weekend before she heads off for a few weeks of race training out west. We are so proud of her and all the hard work she’s putting in, she’s an amazing addition to our crew. Relic made a delicious tikka masala chicken for dinner and The Dutchess baked birthday cupcakes, with which we sang her a chanty tune. It was such a wonderful evening, and after we ate our considerate crew left Number 2 and me with all the dishes. Bless them.
The crew continued with their thoughtfulness and created me a delightful little Easter Scavenger hunt. It was an all-weekend event which included so many surprises. It’s really touching the way they think of me and continuously find lovely ways to show me just how much they love me. A sample of my treasure list included 12 pieces of glassware hidden throughout the basement, 5 scrunchies of varying colours in the back seat of the car, 7 random spoons, 3 facemasks in one jacket, and an alarming amount of ½ drank Bubly cans placed both indoors and outdoors and random bowls under sofas and beds.
As an added touch they finished off my special weekend with a little egg hunt, but instead of delicious chocolate treats the crew used dirty balled-up sock instead. Extra T.P rations for their creativity.
It's a good thing I love those little blige-sucking pirates.
Sunday marked our first family hike in months. The crew was so pleased to be woken up bright and early to walk in nature with their parents. I really missed their grumbling and gripping, and the sweet nothings they mutter under their breaths while scowling at the birds. The Dutchess was the winner of the hike, apparently, we no longer enjoy the adventure, we just plough along and take nothing in. Teenagers make everything so enjoyable.
Number 2 and I have decided to give the entire crew a challenge for the month of April. Each weekend one person will be requested to find a hiking trail ( within our county) that we’ve never been to for a Family Fun day. Kids took it really well, each one groaned loudly and rolled their eyes into the back of their respective heads. I can already tell we are in for a treat.

Easter dinner was a success, minus a few mishaps during the cooking process, all is well that ends well. However, it was good that I was on deck to put out the small oven fire that Number 2 and Gilligan managed to start. Today my good deed was rewarded with the pleasure of cleaning the oven, which is literally my least favourite task. I will not be rewarding their negligence, despite the beautiful meal that was served.
I hope everyone had a wonderful few days off and got out and enjoyed the sunshine.
