Captain’s log
The crew really spoiled me this Mother’s Day, making me feel like the luckiest mom out there. The Powder Monkey let me sleep in until 6:15 am before he started to not so subtly remind me it’s time for breakfast and his walk. Number 2 made me some coffee and then sent me on a trip to the greenhouse unsupervised. I managed to put a pretty decent dent in the ship's coffers and felt no remorse when I handed over our credit card. I love a good retail therapy session.
When I came home I was delighted that the Dutchess had risen from her coffin and braved the sunlight to give me a hug. It was so sweet, she even used both arms, and I must say it felt pretty sincere.
The Dutchess was less than thrilled at the yard work planned for the weekend and was sure to remind us of her displeasure repeatedly. She tried to convince us on multiple occasions that she has developed a deadly allergy to manual labour and is likely to suffer an anaphylactic reaction if she comes in contact with any yard tools or machinery. I reassured her that she need not worry as Relic completed his first aid training last weekend and we have an expired EpiPen somewhere in our camping gear, so she'd be fine. She was less than impressed when I tossed her some gloves and told her to dig in.
Number 2 opened a pop-up hair salon on Saturday morning, as I was beyond desperate for a trim. After watching a few YouTube videos he felt pretty confident in his ability to take a couple of inches off the bottom of my hair. Relic, the ever-supportive son offered to assist his father with this dangerous mission- suggesting that perhaps a level and measuring tape were necessary tools for the job. I told him that I didn’t find his brand of humour funny. Jokes aside, I’m thrilled to report it doesn’t look too shabby.
To round out my relaxing Mother's day weekend, Number 2 and I enjoyed yet another nice quiet evening on the sofa. Bless him, he really knows how to romance a gal. After cleaning the kitchen he brought me a large glass of wine and turned on a ridiculously macho movie. It was a perfect date night. I made sure to dress up in my most comfortable track pants and largest hobo sweater for the occasion. It was a very romantic evening that ended in me falling asleep before the opening credits finished.

I must know the secret to getting the Duchess outside to help. Our tween is a crabapple
Tell number 2 I’ll be booking an appointment soon!!