Captain’s Log
Exciting few days aboard the shipwreck.
Number 2 took on a DIY project. He decided he would give the laundry room a facelift when we took off on our COVID cruise and I am happy to report he's made progress.
7 months into our adventure the countertop and cabinets have been installed, as have the pot lights. I remain hopeful in 4-6 days the tools will be back in the garage.
The Stowaway has left for 3 weeks on her first ski trip of the season. She had the day to free ski today but training starts tomorrow.
We miss her like crazy but are so thrilled she's back on snow again. So excited for her season to start.
While Relic patiently awaits her return he's will be prepping for his first round of exams next week. I am hopeful that between facetime marathons, raiding the pantry and maybe putting his laundry away, he will find time to study.
Academia calls the Dutchess again. She has decided to drive deep into the wonderful world of witchcraft and wizardry. Its very exciting.
She has managed to make a solid dent in the required reading and shows a great aptitude. I'm so proud, I always hoped I’d have a witch in the family. However, I have had to remind her not to practice on her muggle brother.
For Halloween she really brought her A game and went all out on a Harry Potter themed night.
Costumes, pumpkin pastie , cauldron cakes , campfires and modified trick or treating. She and Addie managed a decent haul of candy and chose to cap off their evening by marathoning Harry Potter movies. I’m pretty sure they made it until 2:30 am.
Best part if the weekend was the late-night and sugar hangover the crew had, it really made for a delightful Sunday afternoon.
