Captain’s log
While reflecting on this past week, I wanted to just say how grateful for my crew despite the continued lockdown. Every day this week when I returned aboard the ship I was affectionately greeted by 15 pairs of shoes littering the mudroom like tiny trip wires left lovingly for me to stumble over. A kitchen artfully decorated with glassware filled with straws and cutlery, like vases of fresh spring flowers. However, my favourite was the art installations the crew did this week with empty Bubly cans. I loved the use of upcycled materials randomly scattered throughout the house as if to remind me this is why we can’t have nice things.
The duchess has been working very hard on improving her communications skill this weekend and decided to take on the challenge of a compliment. Her target was me.
She came upon me Sunday morning, heading out to the garden in my new linen top and large sun hat and said:
“ Hey mom, you look nice, kind of like a Martha Stewart wannabe. Is that colour pink highlighter?”
I reminded her Martha Stewart BFF is Snoop Dogg and that not only can she the Liam Neeson the shit out of any craft but that we also share the love of office supplies. I find highlighters wonderful and pink so happens to be my favourite colour. I thanked her for the compliment and then told her she had yard duty for the rest of the day.
Can’t let those salty little bilge-rats know they’ve hit a nerve, show no weakness.
