Captain’s Log

Not sure who was driving the ship today as no one appeared to have left his or her cabin. Last I checked we were drifting way off course and we all seem pretty OK with that.
Truthfully, I just didn't want to play the social director and chose to ignore them. Everyone seemed exhausted, from what I have no clue, so I just rolled with it.
Today was laundry day and the crew, always striving for excellence, ensuring that every single item of clothing was present for washing. In fact, they are so good to their commander, they made sure to include items that had yet to be worn. This is by far my favorite past time so they like to make sure I have an abundance to keep me busy.
Although there was no formal schedule for today the crew ensured that no cup was left unused and no dish was left in the cupboard. Bless them.
I spent the better part of an hour in the tub this evening drinking wine and meditating on ways to thank them for their thoughtfulness.
Looking forward to a raining Sunday morning. 2 days of cabin fever should really put the crew in a positive state of mind.