Captains Log
It appears that we have found ourselves visiting Disappointment Island this weekend and it seemed rather good timing as the crew appears to have forgotten some of their basic training and were in need of a bit of a refresher.
The weather was certainly very April-like, and I decided that since we weren’t snowboarding that some major spring cleaning needed to be done.
The Dutchess has been doing a lot of who-knows lately, holed up in her room, and therefore was our primary target. Number 2 had to threaten to take her cabin door off the hinges if she didn’t change her attitude. It appears the fear of losing her door was enough to turn her fire breathing into a more tolerable muttering under her breath.
Once I got her moving she came around as was a spectacular help. We worked on cleaning the dumpster fire of a basement that she shares with her brother. She even went as far as to don a hazmat suit with me and cleaned her brother’s cesspool of a bedroom. I can’t decide if she was more thrilled at the prospect of finally being able to organize her brother’s desk or snooping under the guise of helping. Either way, it was a success. I’m thrilled to report that although there was a disgusting amount of Tubberware with questionable contents we did not discover any wildlife. This time.
Once we were done cleaning she decided to help out some more by doing some baking. It was such huge help. Sunday is prep for next week and I love it when the kids offload some of the work. I especially love cleaning up all the dishes that she leaves for me in the sink when she’s finished. There really isn’t anything I love more than scrubbing dried muffin mix off a stainless steel bowl, or a muffin tin that she failed to spray with Pam before baking. She’s such a considerate child, we are so blessed.
Relic started out strong this week, bringing home some stellar school marks but ended up failing on so many other levels. He made some seriously poor choices this weekend. I discovered once I woke him up today he was not only hungover but also guilty of having a big ol’ bag of White Claws in his backpack. I don’t know what is more disappointing, that he didn’t tell us what his real plans were this weekend or that he was drinking White Claws. I feel like a failure, I know we’ve raised him better than that. I find myself taking comfort only with the fact that at the very least it wasn’t a sugar-laden beverage like Smirnoff Ice. I'm learning to appreciate the small victories.
To be honest, the drinking isn’t really the part that bums me out, I was 17 once and I get it, it’s the fact that I wasn’t kept in the loop, I hate not knowing what the plan is. That boy is going to be swabbing the deck and peeling potatoes as punishment for the next week. Hopefully next time he’ll make better choices, and Mango White Claw is certainly isn’t it.
As we get ready to set sail towards a long weekend I am looking forward to a blessed wine buzz and my spawn fighting while they clean the kitchen post-dinner.
Happy Sunday. I miss your face. I can’t feel mine.

xoxox The Captain.