Captain's log
Feeling rather accomplished today
Washed the sheets in the captain’s cabin and put them back on the bed before 10pm. Nothing makes you feel like you’ve got your shit together than starting and finishing a chore.
I don’t want to brag but I also cleaned our bathroom, I’m very much looking forward to claiming that first shower tonight.
Number 2 spent a large portion of the afternoon completing a puzzle. However I cannot sign off on its completion as it’s missing a piece. After a solid search it’s still remains lost. My money is on the Dutchess.
At first I thought it was for sure Relic being cheeky, Stealing a piece and holding onto it until the end is definitely his M.O. But he’s played that joke before multiple times. I believe she took it knowing we’d blame him, She’s a crafty one. I’ll keep you updated.
